String Theory and the Ten Dimensions

A discussion of gravity, dark matter, accelerating rate of expansion of the universe, the nature of infinity and a description of ten of the eleven dimensions - and implications for the dimensional explanation of the multiverse

  A working paper started October, 2007
(Undeveloped thoughts in the right direction)




Here is a talk delivered in Skaneateles NY in 2007, followed by a discussion of implications:

The New York Times recently carried a feature where a group of scientists – astrophysicists, chemistry professors, physicists, computer scientists, biochemists and cosmologists were asked, "Does the Universe have a Purpose."  Answers were, 'Unlikely, No, Indeed, Not Sure, Perhaps, I Hope So, Very Likely, Yes and Certainly'. 

Even among churchgoers, many thinking adults have made an uncomfortable accommodation to two worlds. They realize Religion has an important role for them and their families. Religion instructs in morality and social codes, and is a good emotional support to deal with uncomfortable issues, such as death and other fears. And it’s important to be a good person and help others in the community and the world. But, in the end, "We live, we die, and that's that." When it comes to the "supernatural", a belief in a real God or Creator, many are uncomfortable with this. They feel deep in their hearts there is a scientific explanation for all things.

The goal of this little talk is to show that Science does not yet have all the answers. Recent events and discoveries in Science have cast doubt. Not doubt on the facts, most of us agree on those. But doubt on the underlying causes of the facts we observe. Scientific determinism is being challenged by extarordinary new scientific data.

We’ve had an artificial split between the world of Religion and the deterministic world of Science going on since the seventeenth century. Maybe longer. Before that time, a literal reading of the Bible and religious dogmatism were the rule, and you departed from it under threat of excommunication or worse. But when Empirical Science took center stage late in the nineteenth century, it began, for many, to weaken the claims of Religion. In the twentieth century, after Darwin, Freud, Mach and Einstein rolled out surprise after surprise, the tide gathered strength. Logical Positivism, the philosophy of science that strictly limited all scientific proof to positive observation by the senses was firmly grounded. It seemed that Science had – or was about to have – all the answers about ourselves and our world. No God needed.

But starting early in the twentieth century Science has had troubling findings. Quantum theory, with its probabilities and uncertainty principle, shook the foundations of Science. Einstein could not accept that "God plays dice with the Universe." Einstein rejected uncertainty and continued his unsuccessful quest for a Grand Unified Theory to explain gravity until he died. He didn't succeed and gravity is still a mystery.

Worse, recent astronomical discoveries with the Hubble space telescope are beginning to stretch the theory of gravity to the breaking point. Large-scale observations now show the Universe is still getting bigger and at an ever accelerating rate, driven by a yet unknown force. Cosmologists are now "patching" the gravity theory by imagining the existence of something unseen and perhaps not seeable by any senses or apparatus. They call this unseen phenomenon, "Dark Matter." In order for the theory of gravity to survive, scientists now find it necessary to make one of two choices, one as yet untestable, and the other unpalatable. The choices are:

(1) Assume the existence of an as yet unseen and undetected "dark matter" in the Universe to explain contradictions otherwise inexplicable by the current theory of gravitational attraction, or,
(2) Assume Newton's Laws of Motion are wrong and need some fine-tuning or recalculation.

Neither of these alternatives is scientifically "beautiful." The Dark Matter hypothesis requires we accept dark matter as the largest component of all the matter in the Universe – maybe 95% of the matter in the Universe. Moreover, further violence is done to Newton's Laws of Motion by the requirement that "Dark Matter" somehow replenishes itself as the Universe expands. This in turn requires a further stretch of the current attractive gravitational theory, since Newton's Laws hold that neither matter nor energy can be created; either can only be converted from one state into the other. As implausible as it sounds, a conversion of energy from an unknown source into new "Dark Matter" is required in order to keep the theory of attractive gravity whole, and not abandoned for some other explanation. This is not good science. Philosophy of Science teaches that when a theory requires great "stretching", it is important to come up with alternative theories that could better explain the observations.

Let’s take another look at these two separate worlds of Religion and Science. Maybe they aren't as different or separate as we think. Have you heard of "String Theory"? String Theorists are physicists and mathematicians who believe the underlying make-up of all matter and sub-atomic particles are tiny vibrating strings of energy. String Theorists surprised the world a few years ago by claiming there were Ten Dimensions, maybe Eleven. This was a big surprise because for centuries everyone believed there were only three. Length, width and height. Beginning of last century, Einstein demonstrated there was a fourth dimension. Einstein added space/time as a companion to our friendly, familiar three dimensions of length, area and volume. Most of us, me included, still don't fully understand this mysterious fourth dimension, and now there are six or seven more?

What exactly is a dimension? In Physics a dimension is, "A physical property, such as mass, length, time, or a combination thereof, regarded as a fundamental measure or as one of a set of fundamental measures of a physical quantity."

Science is a bit buffaloed by the idea of Ten Dimensions. It's hard enough being a scientist in four dimensions. After all, Science, by its own rules, has to operate in realms measurable by our physical senses. The rules of science require Science deal only with items and objects whose existence can be viewed or tracked by our physical senses. Science requires an object or it's influence to be seen, whether by giant telescopes searching the stars or powerful microscopes looking for quarks. Physical measurability or the ability to be perceived by our limited human senses is the iron rule - and shackle - of Science. Three dimensions are tough enough. Four has challenges. But the next six haven't even been named yet! Science has no measurement tools. What's a rational person to do?

Fortunately, religion has been dealing in all ten dimensions for over two thousand years. Religion deals with the entirety of human experience, not just those experiences measurable by our physical senses. The mathematicians have not asked Religion for help yet, but when they do, there are answers to what the next six or seven dimensions might be. I'll outline them briefly, just to provoke your thinking a bit. When better minds than mine get to work on this issue, they will be more precise. This dimension discussion is where Religion and Science meet. Or, where today's Science begins to point toward Religion. The purpose in exploring this is to understand the relationship between scientific understanding and religious understanding.

Let's look at the familiar three dimensions. The first dimension is length, or lines. A line is the simplest of dimensions. All the points between two points. The distance between your front steps and the sidewalk, say. You can think of a line as containing an infinite number of points.

The second dimension is width, or area. Area is made up of both length and width. Think of your lawn. You can think of area as containing an infinite number of lines all stacked across.

The third dimension is height, which together with length and width, make volume. Think of your living room. You can think of volume as containing an infinite number of areas all stacked up.

The fourth dimension is time, or duration. Think of your house yesterday, today and tomorrow morning. Time is made up of an infinite number of volumes. This fourth dimension we now call Space/Time, ever since Einstein. Most of us have difficulty understanding this fourth dimension, Time. We are often confused by the idea of Time as a dimension since it has no clearly understandable physical boundaries, as do Length, Breadth and Height. But even those who are comfortable they understand the concept of time and event horizons usually see Time as the final dimension.

But String Theorists think there are a total of Ten or Eleven Dimensions, with the Eleventh a Master Dimension containing all others.

Let's do a brief introduction to the other six or seven dimensions.

INFINITY After the fourth dimension of space/time, comes the fifth – No End, or Infinity. We have the general idea of infinity, but it is pretty hard to really wrap your mind around it - never mind scientific measurement. Infinity means, "No end." Not just "very big, or very long", but no end to time, no end to space, no end to acceleration. No ruler or spectroscope or nuclear microscope can show our eyes where "no end" is. No end is No end. Once we can really imagine that there are no limits or bounds to infinite space, we can conceive of other unusual ideas, such as infinite expansion and infinite acceleration.

Thinking through this dimension will allow me to suggest that the phenomenon of gravity may just be the result of infinitely accelerating expansion. Everything may still be expanding at an accelerating rate. Not just at the edges. All the atoms and the spaces between them. The big bang is still going strong. Always has been. You may not need a grand unified theory to explain gravity. Just the concept of infinity. And Religion has been talking about this for millennia.

Faith asks us, challenges us to wake up and step into eternity, to imagine the reality of Infinity. We can think of Infinity as Time and Space with No End. No end to motion, no end to space, no end to time. Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I am".  And as we sing in the Gloria, "World without end, Amen"

That's a mind-stretcher. So if we get – or don't yet – the 5th dimension of Infinity, what comes next? What's after "No end"? Well, it's not after, because dimensions intersect. All the dimensions, all ten, all are present and operating at the same time. Right now. We just don't see them very clearly. Although we do see and feel their impact on us and the world around us.

OPPOSITION The next, the Sixth dimension is Opposition. We know, scientifically, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Newton described this as inertial resistance. Yes, but this resistance, or opposition extends to all forces, all energy, thoughts and motives as well. Every thought and intention has an equal and opposite counterpart. In religion, opposition is called The Opposer, The Devil, or Satan. He, or it, is always with us. In the scientific arena, the impact of the Sixth dimension of Opposition is visible in Black Holes, and in the existence of anti-matter and anti-particles. You can think of Opposition as limiting or defining Infinity.

You can also think of Opposition as infinite inertial resistances. Resistance with No End. Not a bad description of Satan.

EQUITY The Seventh dimension is Equity. Equity is the natural balance point of action and reaction. Science understands that Nature seeks a balance of opposing forces. Scientists call this entropy. The breakdown of complex into simple. Gases try to level out and fill all available space equally, for example. You can think of Equity as a balanced result of an infinite number of actions and opposing reactions.

Humans, too, are capable of equity in human interactions, but our animal nature fights it. We instinctively want to maximize our own pleasure, our own safety and our personal control, no matter what. This is met with opposition. And, this maximizing of our personal safety, our personal pleasure and personal control is often called sin. This is well known to religious practitioners. One of the great roles of religion is to teach us to overcome these instinctive original animal drives by an act of human Will. Failure to overcome our animal instincts leads to inequity.

Equity is also called Justification or Righteousness.  You know the Justification tab on your word processor, the margins are equal, the words are balanced left and right? That's also the principle of Equity. Balance.

Equity is a movement to balance opposition. At a human level, we sense when injustice is being done, and we resent it – particularly when we are the sufferers of the injustice or distortion.  Our moral sense wants "Justification, Equity, Fairness." We sense when things are wrong and want matters corrected. When the energy of the field in which we live is distorted by inequity there is tension straining to be unwound and released.

You can chuckle at my dimensions, but it does help me think about the multi-dimensionality of Jesus' message. Parables are analogies, which teach by example. Parables are practical examples of isomorphism, analogy. We all notice similarities of relationship between huge planetary systems and tiny atoms. Parables teach us that as it is in one matter or system, so it is in another matter or system. Parable has no regard for the size of the system. Only the relationship of elements within the system. The tiny and the huge are the same. When we do even small things like preserving the life of an annoying insect in the room, or picking up someone else's trash, or even aligning the window blinds, we are "in a small way" attuning ourselves to be instruments of balance, or Equity. As the song says, "Little things mean a lot." Even the little acts we do affect the cosmos. Equity also sets the stage for the entry to the next dimension.

LOVE The Eighth dimension is a state not achievable by anything in nature except human beings. Which may be why God created us. The eighth dimension is Love. Love is conscious awareness of our connection to others and all things. This is a state of compassionate, active, empathetic identification. Nature, as well as humans, demonstrate and play out the first seven dimensions, even Equity. But Love is the first of the dimensions that can only be reached by human beings. Nothing else in nature is capable of expressing and experiencing this unnatural, empathetic identity with God's creations. Dogs, dolphins, horses and elephants may be intelligent, intuitive and even attached. But they cannot willfully decide to love. Love, is what makes humans human. Here is an important point about Love; you cannot advance to a higher dimension without manifesting the prior dimension.  You cannot have area without lines, you cannot have volume without area, and we cannot fully Love until we reach a state of Equity. You cannot Love without being in equitable balance. You can think of Love as infinite Equity.

The teachings on Love represents the change, the clarification of message from what we call Old Testament, the Law and the Prophets, to the New Testament, the Gospels and the Letters. The Law and the Prophets were given to Mankind before the Gospels. We were not ready for the Gospel until we achieved Equity, some level of knowing right from wrong, and how to go about righting our own wrongs. Pagan, feral mankind had no sense of equity. Think of a two-year old. It's hard to explain sharing or self-denial to a two-year old. In God's time, he first revealed the concepts of Equity to us. The concepts of Equity are Justice, Righteousness, Mercy, Repentance and Forgiveness. Only after absorbing the dimension of Equity is mankind – and Man – ready for the higher dimension of Love. As you cannot proceed from one dimension to a higher dimension without fulfilling the earlier dimension, so we cannot proceed directly from Opposition to Love. First we must learn and practice Equity.

Look at the Christian Bible. The first 900 pages are Law, Prophets, and the Writings - the Old Testament. Only then come the 300 pages of Gospel and Letters. The Old Testament focuses on Equity; the New Testament explores Love. All translations use the same order. Line must go before area; Equity must go before Love.

Sacrifice Once having achieved the dimension of Love, we are poised to reach the ninth. The ninth dimension is Sacrifice, the willing death of self. We can think of self-sacrifice as infinite Love. Jesus demonstrated this for us all. The process of killing our egos, diminishing our sense of a separated self is difficult. The road is arduous and narrow. The ego does not want to die. It must learn to give itself up willingly. The Old Testament taught us to sacrifice our possessions. It also taught us that sacrifice of blood was critical. Abraham's binding of Isaac foreshadowed the sacrificial death Jesus would accept in the New Testament. This was preparation and training – for us. The Gospel teaches us to sacrifice our selves. This is the dimension of Holy Sacrifice.

PEACE The Tenth dimension, the dimension beyond willing sacrifice of ego, letting go of Self, is Peace. The mystics call this Unity and Union with God. This Tenth dimension is also called the Kingdom of Heaven. We can think of Peace as sacrifice of self with no end, Infinite sacrifice.

That's Ten. The Eleventh? Mathematicians believe the Eleventh dimension, called the M dimension, is a Master dimension which contains the other ten. This is a reasonable description of the infinitely loving, infinitely self-sacrificing, infinitely patient, infinitely merciful Creator.

So, here are the ten dimensions:











The Eleventh is outside of and contains the Ten. God contains all and is

Here is the point of this "10 Dimension" discussion. What have Science and Religion got to do with each other? Everything!

Science is a wonderful tool, also a gift. Science is a process of making sense of the particulars that our physical senses can see, measure and explain to others. We use induction to hypothesize, to create and deductively test propositions, to corroborate or disconfirm the propositions, to organize the surviving hypotheses into laws, and to derive theories from the laws. Scientific method holds that all theories are temporary and subject to continuous testing. We test through more precise observations, and deriving hypotheses from the new observations. We test and retest. When the current theory no longer comfortably holds the new tested observations and derived hypotheses, yet researchers persist in stretching the current theory to fit the data, philosophers of science call this "holding the theory together with chewing gum." At some point, we are obliged to try on new theoretical structures to explain phenomena. If we do not, we are as blindly stuck in rigid scientific dogma as was Religion in the fifteenth century.

I would like to see Scientific Method open a new front, a front that understands the limits and boundaries of sense perception and is willing to explore and create new ways to test and corroborate, new ways to open Science to explore the totality of human experience. Think of it as Metascience, a use of the good tools in a structured exploration and tentative acceptance of the Ancient Wisdom.

So what does all this this say about the intersection of religion and science? Paul teaches in First Corinthians;  "…where there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away... Now I know in part; but then I shall know…" Science today knows in part. It has barely entered the fourth dimension. It will advance over time. Jesus teaches in all ten dimensions. Science' knowledge is partial.  God is complete. Jesus teaches us to believe and act on that we cannot yet see. Faith is confidence that what we cannot yet see, IS.


The first four dimensions are known to our senses. The next six are not intuitively grasped. String theory as well as common sense teaches there are more dimensions than the few dimensions our physical senses are equipped to manage. But, mathematicians have not yet tried to explain the nature of these additional dimensions. In the absence of any other explanation, I thought I would take a shot at it as a "thought-starter" to provoke better brains than mine to get to work on this issue.

So, here are the ten dimensions and a beginning discussion of each;











The Eleventh (or prior) is "No Dimension." No Dimension is outside of and contains the Ten.

The first three are length, the most literally basic of the physical dimensions, then breadth which creates area, and depth - which combined with the first two dimensions creates volume. These three dimensions are intuitive and acceptable to all, since our physical senses are attuned to interact with these. In fact, if we ignore them, our lives are very short. As the second and third dimensions are added to the first, each creates a very large difference in how we view the world. As Breadth is added to Length, the lives of one-dimensional "line" creatures are enriched and multiplied. As Depth is added to Breadth as a third dimension, the lives of "flat" creatures are again enormously enriched and multiplied. Let's start with the first three, and build.

Edwin A. Abbot, an imaginative Victorian era mathematician, wrote Flatland , a good illustration of the inconceivability of a higher dimension by those "stuck" in a lower dimension. This is a good warm-up for the mind stretching necessary to conceive of the substance of dimensions not yet measurable by our physical senses, even though our experience suggests they are real.


Lines are the most basic of our sensed dimensions. A line exists in a single dimension.  All lines can be described in a single dimension, Length.

Can we conceive of "No Dimension?" Yes. An example of  "No Dimension" is the Universe prior to the Big Bang. The pre-Big Bang Universe was not even a point. It was not. We will come back to this.



Adding a second dimension creates a profound increase in complexity to points and lines. The two-dimensional universe is enormously, in fact, infinitely larger than a uni-dimensional universe. A one dimensional creature could not comprehend a two dimensional universe or creature. She would experience contact with the two dimensional creature as a point experience. That is, she would only experience this infinitely more complex and dimensional creature in terms of her own possibilities. Her possibilities only allow for a concurrency of line or point experience. Breadth is incomprehensible and inexplicable to a one-dimensional creature.



A third dimension adds infinitely more complexity to one and two dimensional universes. A two dimensional creature would experience a "visitation" by a three dimensional creature only as an area, or breadth contact. The additional dimension would be incomprehensible. He would at most conceive of this visitation as larger or smaller surfaces, depending on the moment of third-dimensional contact. If there were multiple contacts, as in a three dimensional creature passing through a surface as a football might pass through the plane of the goal line, our two-dimensional creature might think of the third-dimensional creature as "variable", or changing in size of area, unable to conceive of "stacked" breadth, or volume.



The fourth dimension, which we call Time, also creates a large difference in the lives of "solid" creatures. The lives of otherwise "static" three-dimensional creatures are enriched and multiplied as Duration is added to Volume. Most of us have difficulty understanding this fourth dimension, the concept of "Time." We are often confused by the idea of Time as a dimension since it has no clearly understandable physical manifestation, as do Length, Breadth and Depth. Even those who grasp the concept of time and event horizons often see Time as the final dimension.

But are there more dimensions? String Theory posits a total of Ten or Eleven Dimensions, with the Eleventh a Master Dimension containing all others. Here is a summary of the first four dimensions - and their interrelationship - and a brief introduction to the other six or seven:

Length is the primal dimension.

Breadth contains Length. Breadth can be thought of as "stacked" or horizontally layered Length

Depth contains Breadth. Depth can be thought of as stacked or layered Breadth

Duration contains Depth, Volume. The experience of time can be thought of as stacked, or serial Depth, or Volume

Expansion/Infinity contains the experience of Time. Expansion/Infinity is more than stacked Duration

Opposition contains Infinity. Opposition is inherent in Expansion

Equity/Restoration contains Opposition. Restoration is inherent in Opposition

Love, Identity contains Equity / Restoration. Love is inherent in Restoration

Death, Dissolution of Self is contained in Identity / Love. Death, Sacrifice of Self is inherent in Love

Unity contains death. Unity is inherent in Death of the idea of a separated self

Unity is Peace. Peace contains Volume, Time, Infinite motion, Opposition, Restoration, Love, and is finally reached through Death of Self

God contains all and is

Now the Fifth Dimension...


Expansion/Infinity is the dimension which goes beyond "stacked" Volume and Duration. This is partly why we can't see it, much as Area-ists cannot "see" Volum-ists. Duration, with it's inherent relativity, is difficult enough for us to grasp.

Infinity is often thought of as an extension of volume, but it is a different dimension completely. It is not just "endlessly more of the same." This is why we cannot "see" Expansion/Infinity, only its Effect. The principal effect of Expansion/Infinity we experience is Gravitational Attraction.

Let's consider the idea of Infinitely Accelerating Expansion as an explanation of the phenomenon we call Gravitational Attraction.

First off, we need to be comfortable with the idea of infinity. We are okay with infinity as an abstract idea, but  if pressed, in real-world physical terms, most of us think infinite means enormously large. The idea of "no end" or "without ultimate boundary" is literally unimaginable to most of us. This inability to get our minds around infinity leads us to accept solutions to problems (such as gravity) that follow from a bounded universe. We look at the "large", cosmic, as an extension of the small, earthly. But if we can conceive that there are no limits or bounds to infinite space, we can conceive of other unusual ideas, such as infinite expansion and infinite acceleration.

We all agree with Newton's Laws. An object at rest continues at rest. An object in motion continues in motion. But open your mind to the "insane" idea that gravity may be misunderstood as an attractive force. Newton's descriptions and calculations of physical effects are experimentally and experientially true. They are also intuitively true. But, the positing of an attractive force to explain the phenomenon of gravity no longer passes the test of beauty. Recently cosmologists have had to "patch" the attractive gravity theory by hypothesizing the existence of something unseen and perhaps unseeable by any senses or apparatus. They call this unseen phenomenon,"Dark Matter." In order for the theory of attractive gravity to hold up to large scale observations that seem contradictory, scientists have found it necessary to make one of two choices; one as yet untestable, and the other unpalatable. The choices are:

(1) Assume the existence of an as yet unseen and undetectable "matter" in the Universe which explains observed contradictions that are otherwise inexplicable by the current theory of gravitational attraction, or even more radical,
(2) Assume Newton's Laws of Motion need some fine-tuning or recalculation.

Neither of these alternatives is scientifically "beautiful." The Dark Matter hypothesis requires we accept dark matter as the largest component of all the matter in the Universe - by a long shot. Moreover, there is further violence done to Newton's Laws of Motion by the requirement that "Dark Matter" somehow replenishes iteslf as the Universe expands. This requires a further stretch of the current attractive gravitational theory, since Newton's Laws hold that neither matter nor energy can be created; either can only be converted from one state into the other. As implausible as it sounds, a conversion of energy from an unknown source into new "Dark Matter" is required in order to keep the theory of attractive gravity from being abandoned for another explanation. This is not good science. Philosophy of Science teaches that when a theory requires great "stretching", it is important to come up with alternative theories that could better explain the observations.

There is an alternative that conforms with Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion, and that better satisfies Occam's Razor of parsimonious explanation. Even though it sounds "insane", we should consider it. The alternative to the Theory of Attractive Gravity requires conceiving of another dimension. This next dimension could be described as Expansion. Expansion may be as hard for us to wrap our minds around as three dimensions are to a two dimensional creature. But, let's bend our brains.

Consider the expansion of the Universe from the Big Bang. There is general consensus the expansion was initially an accelerating expansion. The presumption is the rate of expansion – or acceleration – slowed down with Duration, or Time. The explanation for the slow-down is, the mass of the universe generated gravitational drag which slowed the rate of acceleration, and perhaps even slowed the acceleration itself. However, a reasonable question is this:  if as Newton's laws require, there is no creation or loss of energy/mass, where did the increasingly attractive mass, or Dark Matter come from?

It is more elegant, if counter-intuitive, to imagine the rate of acceleration initiated at the Big Bang continues to increase.

Explosions only slow their rate of acceleration, or expansion, when their fuel is consumed or drag from material opposition such as air compression slows the rate of acceleration of the expansion. Soon these factors slow the expansion itself, and finally cause the explosion to cease. This is why a hydrogen bomb explosion lasts longer than a cherry bomb, and why the sun lasts longer than a smaller hydrogen bomb. The conventional view of an expanding universe understands that distances "on the surface of the expanding balloon" of the Universe continue to expand away from each other proportionally. This gives rise to the measureable "red shift" Doppler effect.

In explaining the Doppler Effect, we are usually told to conceive of the expansion of the Universe as akin to the surface of a balloon being stretched as the balloon is inflated. Thus objects on the surface seem to moving away from each other due to the expansion of the surface. Good. But if there is another Expansive dimension, all objects as well as the distances between them may also be expanding. And, conceivably, at an accelerating rate of expansion.

If we imagine additional Expansive dimensionality, we can imagine the interior of the balloon also expanding at an accelerating rate, with all physical objects expanding at the same isomorphic, proportional distances from each other. Imagine, then, that the distances between - and within - all objects – galaxies, stars, planets, continents, people, molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, mesons, bosons, etc. – all  continue to expand proportionally.

If such a scenario were so, and all were accelerating, Newton's Laws of Inertia would cause measurement of these objects to demonstrate an apparent mass increase, or weight. Thus, acceleration could give rise to the same measurable physical phenomenon as gravity. Gravity, then, might not be an attractive force, but the result of inertial change caused by accelerating expansion of all. Thus, as the G force "weight" we feel in a jet plane taking off or accelerating, or the force we feel accelerating away from a stoplight in a Ferrari is "inertial weight", so to may be the inertial weight of an object undergoing accelerating expansion.

Here is a "thought experiment". When we jump two feet into the air, we "fall" heavily to the ground. We think the earth attracted us because of the attractive force of gravity. The accelerating expansion view holds that we slowed down temporarily when we jumped because, once aloft, we lost the propulsive force of the expanding earth mass below. And, in a second or two or three depending on our athletic  gifts,  the earth continued expanding out to meet us, hitting us on the soles of our shoes and causing us to experience a dropping down to earth. But we did not fall. The earth flew out to meet us.

Addition to Fifth Dimension August, 2011

Infinite Expansion

More on gravity and the Big Bang. Our model of the big bang tends to be of an expanding balloon with air spreading the elements farther and farther apart. This explains the increasing dispersion of the material and the periphery, and can also explain the dispersion of stuff in the center. But, I think we overlook how the big bang accelerating expansion affects even the explosion of each molecule and atom. The idea is so radical, since we seem to hold the ancient Greek concept of the ultimate indivisibility of matter at some very low, perhaps yet to be discovered level. But, perhaps the model itself is wrong. Perhaps even the tiniest material unit replicates the accelerating expansion of the cosmos within itself. Even the tiniest bit of material or vibrating string energy package composing the material is itself blowing apart at an accelerating rate.

If this unlimited, infinite accelerating expansion were happening both at the tiny level as well as the gigantic, we would notice no change in the relative size of any material object since we, the observers, would be expanding ourselves at the same perceptual rate as all other objects we can see.

The impact of the accelerating expansion would produce the phenomenon we call gravity. Inertial resistance to the acceleration would produce the same effect as a theoretical attractive force. Our minds would "prefer" to perceive this inertial experience as attraction to the center of the earth rather than inertial resistance to the expansion of the earth because we, the air around us, the ground, trees, clouds and seas and creatures would all be expanding at roughly the same accelerating speed as well.


Bigger objects expand faster than smaller objects. Why? And, where do the bigger objects go since they are expanding faster than the smaller yet our relative positions remain predictable?

First, WHY. The speed of expansion varies with size. The more material is coalesced, the more compounded is the "repellance." This may be at the heart of the secret of accelerating expansion: the repellence of all matter from all other matter. Essentially, the repellence of matter driving the rate of increase of the acceleration is a square of the speed of light. We'll explore that soon.

Where does the increased size of the bigger objects go? And how about black holes?

Every bit of material has an "Infinity Silo" where as it expands in this dimension it also expands in the next dimension. Consider two dimensional expansion to three dimensions. The floor area of your living room, a two dimensional plane, is not affected as height is added to the room when the ceiling is installed or even raised. The two dimensional area can be thought of as a horizontal "slice" of the three dimensional cube of your living room. There are infinite slices of two dimensionality between the floor and the ceiling.

So too, your cubic living room at 9 PM this evening is unaffected by the fourth dimensional existence of your cubic living room at 9:05 PM this evening. And, there are infinite "slices" of your living room between 9 PM and 9:05 PM. We don't think of it that way, but since we are four dimensional creatures accustomed to the arrow of time, we are comfortable that the living room at 9 existed in fact and the living room at 9:05 exists in fact. But, it is difficult to explain the linkage of realities of this cube moving through time.

Your living room is also moving through another dimension, a dimension of accelerating expansion. Accelerating expansion is different from what we call motion. Normal motion is a rearrangement of objects by forces acting across the arrow of time. This normal, or "relative" motion is a local physical phenomenon caused by and limited by application of force interacting with the arrow of time, the fourth dimension. Were there no fourth dimension of time, there would be no motion. All forces would be frozen in whatever state they began.

The fifth dimension is a motion, but a different kind of motion. The fifth dimension is an infinite acceleration expansion of all material from all other material at every level of existence - from the gargantuan to the microscopic. Moreover, this expansion is not uniform. Expansion is "caused", or effected, by a repellant "driving force" of material to be separated away from all other material.
Why? Unknown.

As expanding material, matter, literally incorporates other matter through the process of differential rates of acceleration of expansion plus the "normal" movement of material objects in each "slice" of the space/time silo, the rate of acceleration increases proportional to the amount of material now incorporated. Incorporation happens by a faster rate of acceleration of the larger object which "slams into" the smaller object and "packs" the smaller object into its mass. On the one hand, the material is expanding away from other material at some perhaps constant rate, yet the increased inertial force of the mass of material caused by increased density of the material now incorporated overcomes the constant repellant rate. And, the rate of acceleration of the now more massive object increases. As the rate of acceleration increases, so does the apparent "force" of gravity.

Since we have no words for the parameters, or boundaries of a fifth dimensional concept, let's use a familiar parameter, and call the new boundary "silo height".

The "silo height" of the "infinity silo" of a mass the size of Jupiter is much greater than the silo height of the infinity silo of the mass of the Earth, and the silo height of the infinity silo of the sun, much greater yet than the infinity silo of Jupiter. The silo height of the infinity silo of a black hole is greater still. And, the reason we do not see light emitted from a black hole is that the huge and increasing rate of expansion of the black hole overcomes the constant speed of light. Otherwise we would be able to see the black hole as just another object in our slice of space/time.

Who knows? But that's the point.

Clues are given us in the inconceivable but already measured and verified warping of space and in the relativity of time.

Other clues are given in the moral sphere, where suggestions are made describing the difference between human concepts time and the idea of divine eternity and timelessness, viz. "Before Abraham was, I am." Or, "With the Lord, a thousand years is as a day, and a day as a thousand years."

6. OPPOSITION (working)

Ethics and The Moral Laws, Antithesis

We extend Newton's Principles into the next dimension, OPPOSITION. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is true for energy, force, as well as matter. No matter is lost, it is only converted. This Newtonian principle of the preservation of matter and energy extends to the fabric or field of the universe, where nothing is lost, nothing is without consequence.

Opposition is a dimension as additive to and separate from Expansion/Infinity as Expansion/Infinity is from Duration or Volume.

Imagine that thoughts and intentions, our force of mind, in another dimension, impacts the field - or fabric - in which we exist. The thoughts and intentions are converted or translated into into another state, but remain within the larger field. Thoughts, intentions and feelings as well as actions last. Each action or state not only results in Opposition, but its force remains. And since its force remains, its Opposition remains.

This principle extends the inertial law into the unseen dimension, where particle is matched by anti-particle, Good is resisted by Not-good. We intuitively understand that in the physical sphere every action creates an equal and opposite movement. We can begin to understand it in the physical - social world of community. We act, others react. There are consequences to all actions.

In a religious sense, we are in constant motion. There is no such thing as "neutral." We are either "with and for" or "resistant and against." New Testament speaks of being either "For us or against us", and, If they are not against us, they are for us." In the sixth dimension, attitudes and intentions have the same force as actions in the physical realm. An attitude of anger produces an equal and opposite reaction – fear, defensiveness, aggression, flight. These reactions are unseen, but no less real for being in an unseen dimension. These reactions are scars in the fabric as much as a bomb blast creates a hole in the earth surface.

The Hebrew word for "Satan" is "Abbadon", The Destroyer, or Opposer.

When we are against good, or for wrong, we tear the fabric. When we yield to wrong, we increase its moment, or force. When we follow the opposition, we create an imbalance, or tipping towards an unstable pole. This is the Moral Law, the Ethical Dimension.

The opposition and remnant of the action can be resolved and harmonized. From a moral perspective, the process for this is two-fold. First there is the removal of the attitude or intention or feeling's force. This is done by repentance. This removes the force of the action, which results in the removing of the opposition. With repentence the motive force of the injury has ceased. Injury has stopped, but the distortion remains. Repair of the torn fabric is another issue.

Clues to Opposition are given in the presence of anti-particles and black holes.
In the moral sphere, suggestions are given in the persistence of the consequences of opposing behavior, errors or distortion, the perseverance of "sin".

7.  EQUITY (working)

Forgiveness, Equity, Justification, Synthesis

There is a movement to balance opposition. When opposition has been yielded to, the field is distorted. At a human level, we sense when injustice is being done, and we resent it – particularly when we are the sufferers of the injustice or distortion.  Our moral sense wants "Justification, Equity, Fairness." We sense when things are wrong and want matters corrected. When the fabric of the field is distorted there is tension straining to be unwound and released.

This is a dimension stacked on Opposition. While Opposition exists, Equity and Restoration operate concurrently.  

Parables describe human situations in which a wrong, or distortion, is introduced. Sometimes, the distortion is obvious and follows from wrong behavior. Other times, our response to a situation which we think of as wrong, causes a distortion. What we think of as right and fair in our judgment, may not be so. We are taught through partables that what we think is right and fair, is not necessarily right or fair. A parable is a way of teaching what is an equitable state.

Mathematical isomorphy is the relationship of elements of one set to the relationship of elements in another set. We all notice similarities of relationship between galaxies and planetary systems and between planetary systems and atoms. This is a way to understand analogy. In language, parables, are analogies which teach by example. Parables teach us that as it is in one matter or system, so it is in another matter or system.  Parables are practical examples of mathematical isomorphy.

Isomorphy allows us to see the differences between systems that are in balance and systems that are out of balance, or distorted.

When we do small things like preserving the life of an annoying fly in the room, or even aligning the window blinds, we are "in a small way" practicing attuning ourselves to be better instruments of the principles of balance, or Peace. Isomorphy has no regard for the size of the system. Only the relationship of elements within the system. The tiny and the huge are the same in this dimension.

Forgiveness is an act of choice. Before we can choose, we need awareness and consciousness of the choices. Otherwise we are moved by instinct and self-preservation as the beasts, while thinking we are making free choices. Freedom is a dimension of access to the Unseen Sphere in which we become active agents rather than passive participants. Without awareness of what was before, we have only the illusion of freedom and choice. Thus we need the basic experience and understanding of Duration and Opposition added to Equity in order to act freely with will rather than  by instinct.

Clues are given in entropy and the social dynamics of Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis.
In the moral sphere, suggestions are given in maxims, viz. Do unto others as you would be done to you, and Judge not lest ye be judged.

8. Love (working)
Compassion, Conscious Connectivity, Love

This is a placeholder for discussion of the dimension of isomorphic Compassion. Paul describes it well. To be consciously aware of the isomorphic relationship between others and yourself and to be open to the experience of it in oneself, is to experience compassion. It is to identify the other as yourself. This is a crux of human consciousness.

In a moral sense, Compassion is to recognize suffering and joy, and to feel with, to understand and accept the conscious experience of others. Humans are perhaps the "Sense organs of Consciousness" for the fabric. We are enabled to experience Compassion, but we have to train ourselves to practice it. The distractions are great.

9. Sacrifice (working)

Dissolution of Self, Sacrifice, Submission

Forgiveness removes the force of opposition, but the distortion remains. Tearing has stopped, but the injury remains. The fabric was torn. There is a movement towards Restoration, but what is the mechanism? How does the synthesis happen? Compensation is a movement which restores the torn Fabric.

In a religious sense, the compensatory payment is accomplished by a process we call sacrifice. The sacrifice, or payment is meaningless if the source of the injury remains, and injury continues. This is throwing good money after bad. Before payment, there must be cessation of injury. Cessation of injury happens by discernment, repentance and forgiveness. Only after the motive force of the injury is removed does it make sense to engage in repairs, or restoration.

Sacrifice is willing death of the Ego. Keating and others call this the death of the False Self. This is full atonement, or the combination of awareness of injury caused, feeling of suffering for having caused the injury, a will  to not again repeat the cause of the injury, an acknowledgment of these facts – or apology. And a final sacrifice or compensatory death of the self to repair the injury to the fabric.

Think of Jesus' willing acceptance of death of human self in the sacrifice of crucifixion as a final compensation and restoration of the fabric, made both in and outside of time, covering all injuries ever caused or to be caused.


10. Peace

This is what the mystics describe as Unity, or Union with God.

11. M Dimension

The String Theorists propose there is a Master Dimension, they call the M Dimension. This dimension is outside of the other ten, yet contains them all. A good definition of the Creator's realm.

Length is the primal dimension.

Breadth contains Length. Breadth is "stacked" or horizontally layered Length

Depth contains Breadth. Depth is stacked or layered Breadth

Duration contains Depth, Volume. The experience of time is stacked, or serial Depth, or Volume

Expansion, Infinity contains and describes the experience of Time

Opposition contains Infinity. Opposition is inherent in Expansion

Equity/Restoration contains Opposition. Restoration is inherent in Opposition

Love, Identity contains Equity / Restoration. Love is inherent in Restoration

Sacrifice is contained in Love / Full Consciousness . Death, sacrifice of self is inherent in Love

Unity contains Sacrifice. Unity is inherent in Death of the idea of a separated self.

Unity is Peace. Peace contains Volume, Time, Infinite motion, Opposition, Restoration, Love, and is finally reached through Death of Self

God is and contains all



Metascience is to science as metaphysics is to physics. Metascience is "up a click and able to look down at " sensory based science. This is the Gospel of Wisdom. Science is a wonderful tool, also a gift. Science is a process of making sense of the particulars that  our physical senses can see, measure and explain to others. We use induction to hypothesize, to create and deductively test propositions, to corroberate or disconfirm the propositions, to organize the surviving hypotheses into laws, and to derive theories from the laws. Scientific method holds that all theories are temporary and subject to continuous testing. We test through more precise observations, and deriving hypotheses from the new observations. We test and retest. When the current theory no longer comfortably holds the new tested observations and derived hypotheses, we call this "holding the theory together with chewing gum." At some point, we are obliged to try on new theoretical structures to explain phenomena. If we do not, we echo dogmatic claims of heresy or blasphemy inherent in human social organizations.


But, we would like to see Scientific Method open a new front, a front that understands the limits and boundaries of sense perception and is willing to explore and create new ways to test that let loose the ropes that bind us in close to that shore. Think of it as Metascience, a use of the good tools in a structured exploration and tentative acceptance of the Ancient Wisdom.

  Larry   "Why not?"  





Reference Notes:

From Newton's Laws of Motion and Gravitation;

1.  Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

2.  The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors; in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

Gravitation: F = G M1 M2 /d2 where F is the force between the bodies of masses M, M2 and d is the distance between them. G is the universal gravitational constant.

Einstein's Gravitational Equivalence Principle:
Gravitation is equivalent of curved space-time. In general relativity, bodies always follow straight lines in four-dimensional space-time.

Newton's First law of Thermodynamics:
Total energy of the system plus the surroundings is constant. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy is conserved.

Newton's Third Law of Motion:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.